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January 4th Recap 11th Recap 18th Recap 25th Recap
February 1st Recap 8th Recap 15th Canceled 22nd Recap
March 1st Recap 8th Canceled 15th Recap 22nd Recap
29th Recap
April 5th Recap 12th Recap 19th Recap 26th Recap
May 3rd Special 10th Recap 17th Recap 24th Recap
31st Recap
June 7th Recap 14th Recap 21st Recap 28th Recap
July 1st Special 5th Canceled 9th Special 12th Recap
19th Recap 21st Special 26th Canceled
August 2nd Recap 9th Recap 16th Recap 23rd Canceled
30th Special Recap
September 6th Canceled 13th Recap 20th Recap 22nd Special
27th Recap
October 4th Recap 11th Canceled 18th Recap 25th Special Recap
November 1st Recap 8th Recap 15th Recap 22nd Recap
24th Adjourned (CDC)Special 29th Recap 30th Recap
December 6th Recap 13th Recap 15th Recap 20th Canceled
27th Recap
Developed by the Pasadena Department of Information Technology (DoIT)