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February 8, 1999
Closed Session 5:30 P.M.
Public Meeting 6:30 P.M.
Public Hearing begin at 8:00 P.M.
John Muir High School Auditorium
1905 North Lincoln Avenue, Pasadena
5:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSIONS: A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE REGARDING PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Attorney ACTION: DISCUSSED, NOT ACTION REPORTED 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING 1. ROLL CALL AND CEREMONIAL MATTERS - Pledge of Allegiance to be led by John Muir High School ROTC Color Guard A. INTRODUCTION OF DR. EDDIE NEWMAN, PRINCIPAL (1) Overview of Measure Y and Proposed Improvements at John Muir High School B. COMMENTS BY MUIR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT JAZMIN KRISHMAN 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA 3. OLD BUSINESS - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR (The Consent Calendar consists of routine items which will be approved by one motion and one vote unless removed for separate discussion) A. City Manager (1) PURCHASE OF FIFTEEN NEW 1999 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE VEHICLES Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Accept the bid dated December 24, 1998, submitted by Robert Loud Ford in response to Specifications for the Purchase of Fifteen 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Vehicles; (b) Reject all other bids; and (c) Authorize the Purchasing Administrator to issue a purchases order contract to Robert Loud Ford in an amount not to exceed $350,942.85. 109(k) ACTION: APPROVED (2) MODIFICATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER DAIS TO ACCOMMODATE THE ELECTED MAYOR Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Amend the FY 1999 Capital Improvement Program Budget to include a new project - Modification of City Council Chamber Dais. (b) Authorize the Director of Finance to transfer $29,000 to Capital Budget Account No. 71120, Modification of City Council Chamber Dais from the City's Stabilization Reserve. 53(k) ACTION: APPROVED
(3) APPROVAL OF FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR (FFY) 1999 WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN (WIC) SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Authorize the City Manager to execute an FFY 1998-99 Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program Agreement with the State Department of Health Services (SDHS) in the amount of $734,978 for the period of October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999; and (b) Approve a journal voucher increasing the estimated FY 1999 revenues and appropriations in the WIC Operating Budget Account No. 564200 by $29,878 from $776,429 to $806,307. 135(k)
ACTION: APPROVED (4) APPROVAL OF CALENDAR YEAR (CY) 1999 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE IMMUNIZATION BRANCH OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a CY 1999 California Immunization Program Agreement with the State Department of Health Services in the amount of $60,921 for the period January 1, 1999 - December 31, 1999; and (b) Approve a journal voucher decreasing estimated revenues and appropriations in the Disease Prevention and Control Division Budget Account No. 563100 by $13,054, from $1,169,443 to $1,156,389. 142(k) ACTION: APPROVED (5) CONTRACT AWARD FOR THE SPECIFICATIONS NO. LD-99-03, FOR INSTALLATION, FUSION SPLICING, AND CERTIFICATION OF THE CITY'S FIBER OPTIC BACKBONE SYSTEM Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder submitting a timely bid. The time for submitting bids is 11:00 a.m., Friday, February 5, 1999, after the time for finalizing this agenda. 142(k)
B. City Clerk (1) Approval of Minutes - January 11, 1999 January 18, 1999 (Canceled)
ACTION: APPROVED AS CORRECTED (2) Receive and file claims against the City of Pasadena Claim No. 8190 Clyde M. Narramore $145.00 Claim No. 8191 Leslie Balazs Unknown Claim No. 8192 Benjamin Jimenez $1,915.95 Claim No. 8193 Rafael Leon$ 215.42 Claim No. 8194 Victoria Begay $4,500.00 Claim No. 8195 Craig & April Morrison Unknown Claim No. 8196 Travis Taylor Unknown Claim No. 8197 Lora M. Taylor Unknown Claim No. 8198 Robert K. Shimasaki $520.35 Claim No. 8199 Denise Graham $546.99 ACTION: RECEIVED AND FILED (3) Set Public Hearing: March 15, 1999, 8:00 p.m. - Proposed Utilizationof the State Citizen's Option for Public Safety and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds March 22, 1999, 8:00 p.m. - Amendment to Title 17 of the Pasadena Municipal Code, the Revised Zoning Code, to Prohibit Auto Dismantling within the SP-2 South Fair Oaks Specific Plan Area ACTION: PUBLIC HEARING SET 5. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES A. Business Enterprise Committee B. Deregulation Committee C. Finance Committee (1) CITY HALL SEISMIC UPGRADE Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that staff be directed to set up community meetings to discuss the alternatives and costs with the Pasadena community. (See related Item 7.B.1.) 167(k) ACTION: APPROVED D. Legislative Policy Committee E. Public Safety Committee F. Reports from Representatives 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS BY THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO BENEFIT THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Recommendation of City Manager: Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority. 76(k) ACTION: APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION WITH A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING THAT COUNCIL DOES NOT ENDORSE THE PLAN AS IT HAS BEEN TENTATIVELY PRESENTED AND WITH A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING THAT THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO A FUTURE APPLICATION. B. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: SOUTH LAKE AVENUE RETAIL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ZONE CHANGE FROM CD-5 (CENTRAL DISTRICT) TO PD-24 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) AND SALES TAX INCREMENT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that the public hearing be continued to February 22, 1999, at 8:00 p.m, in the City Hall Council Chamber. ACTION: CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 22, 1999 AT 8:00 P.M. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS A. City Council (1) DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION OF POSSIBLE RECONSIDERATION OF CITY'S POSITION ON THE 710 FREEWAY EXTENSION (Councilmember Paparian) ACTION: DISCUSSED, NO ACTION (2) APPOINTMENT OF JENNIFER SY YU TO THE PASADENA COMMUNITY HEALTH ALLIANCE OF PASADENA (City representative) ACTION: APPROVED B. City Manager (1) OVERVIEW OF FUTURE FUNDING PRIORITIES: PUBLIC SAFETY AND CITY HALL (Oral Report) (See related Item 5.C.1.) ACTION: PRESENTATION MADE (2) YEAR 2000 DISCUSSION (MILLENNIUM BUG) (Oral Report) ACTION: PRESENTATION MADE 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING A. Approval of Minutes - January 18, 1999 (Canceled) ACTION: APPROVED AS SUBMITTED B. UPDATE ON LINCOLN AVENUE PLAN (Oral Report) ACTION: PRESENTATIN MADE 9. ORDINANCES A. First Reading: (1) Hold first reading of "AN AMENDMENT TO AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA, ORDINANCE NO. 6770, ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON THE OPERATION OF CERTAIN SECTIONS OF PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5.72 (VEHICLES FOR HIRE) 145(k) ACTION: FIRST READING OFFERED BY COUNCILMEMBER LITTLE B. Second Reading: (1) Adopt "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, THE REVISED ZONING CODE, TO REQUIRE A WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES IN THE OLD PASADENA AREA" (Introduced by Councilmember Little) 67(k)
ACTION: ADOPTED 10. INFORMATION ITEMS A. COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 CRIME STATS FOR 1998 COMPARED TO 1997 Recommendation of City Manager: This item is for information purposes only. 46(k) ACTION: PRESENTATION MADE. RECEIVED AND FILED. B. IMPROVEMENT OF MOUNTAIN PLACE Recommendation of City Manager: This item is for information purposes only. 82(k) ACTION: RECEIVED AND FILED 11. COMMUNICATIONS - None 12. CLOSED SESSION A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE REGARDING PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Attorney 13. ADJOURNMENT