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Closed Sessions 5:30 P.M. Public Meeting 6:30 P.M. Public Hearings 7:30 P.M. Pasadena Senior Center, Multi-Purpose Room 85 East Holly Street, Pasadena
5:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSIONS (To be heard at 5:30 p.m., and/or at the conclusion of the meeting)
A. CITY COUNCIL AND COMMISSION CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Address: 1150 North Allen Avenue Negotiators: Cynthia J. Kurtz, Gregory Robinson; Trademark Development Company, LLC, Joel C. Bryant Under Negotiation: Price and terms
B. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 City Representatives: Karyn S. Ezell and Arthur Chavez Employee Organization: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 18
2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - Public comment will be limited to a total of 20 minutes at the beginning of the meeting and will continue under Item 11 (below) "Public Comment (continued)". Please limit comments to 3 minutes each.
3. CONSENT CALENDAR (The Consent Calendar consists of routine items which will be approved by one motion and one vote unless removed for separate discussion)
A. City Manager
(1) AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MYTHICS SYSTEMS, INC., FOR LICENSING OF ORACLE SOFTWARE Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Authorize a contract without competitive bidding pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(F), contracts for professional or unique services, with Mythics Systems, Inc., for the City's licensing of Oracle Software in an amount not to exceed $145,912. (2) Grant the proposed contract an exemption from the competitive selection process of Competitive Bidding and Purchasing Ordinance pursuant to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 4.08.049 (B), contracts for which the City's best interests are served. 559k
(2) CONTRACT AWARD TO VASILJ, INC., dba IVANKO FOR THE LAGUNA ROAD SEWER - PHASE 4A, BURLEIGH DRIVE TO HILLSIDE TERRACE, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Accept the bid dated November 8, 2006, submitted by Vasilj, Inc., dba Ivanko, in response to the Specifications for the Laguna Road Sewer - Phase 4A, Burleigh Drive to Hillside Terrace; reject all other bids received; and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract as is required. (2) Acknowledge the project to be categorically exempt under Section 21084 of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1984 in accordance with Article 19, Section 15301 (Class 1), subsection (c) of the Resources Agency of California Guidelines (minor alterations involving negligible expansion of use beyond that previously existing) pursuant to the findings of the Secretary of the Resources Agency and authorize the City Manager to execute, and the City Clerk to file, a Notice of Exemption for the project with the Los Angeles County Clerk. 982k
(3) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR THE CITY OF PASADENA TO BECOME A REGISTERED INDUSTRIAL GENERATOR Recommendation of City Manager: Adopt a resolution authorizing the application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the City of Pasadena to become a Registered Industrial Generator for the purposes of receiving a recycling incentive payment for used oil. 568k
(4) AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR AN EXTENSION OF THE EXPENDITURE DEADLINE FOR THE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION ACCOUNT GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommendation of City Manager: Authorize the City Manager to apply for an extension of the expenditure deadline for the Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) grant from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the Bicycle Transit Station and to execute all necessary agreements. 435k
(5) AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A "CARDIAC CARE PROGRAM EQUIPMENT AGREEMENT" WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO PURCHASE AND SUBMIT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EIGHTEEN 12-LEAD ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH MACHINES AND ASSOCIATED TRAINING ON THE USE OF THE MACHINES Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Cardiac Care Program Equipment Agreement, by and between the County of Los Angeles. (2) Authorize the issuance of a contract to Medtronic Emergency Response Systems (Medtronic) in the amount not to exceed $293,255 for the purchase of eighteen 12-Lead Electrocardiograph (EKG) machines. (3) Grant the proposed contract an exemption from competitive bidding pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(H), contracts with other governmental entities or their contractors for labor, material, supplies or services. 1860k
B. City Clerk
(1) Approval of Minutes - October 23, 2006 October 30, 2006 (Cancelled) November 6, 2006
(2) Receive and file claims against the City of Pasadena
Claim No. 10,239 Robert A. Cameron$ 5,000,000.00 Claim No. 10,241 Darrin Jonell Wyatt Not Stated
A. Economic Development and Technology Committee
B. Finance/Audit Committee
(1) JOINT ACTION: FISCAL YEAR JUNE 30, 2006 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS Recommendation of City Manager/Chief Executive Officer: It is recommended that the following audited reports for the year ending June 30, 2006 be received by the City Council and/or Community Development Commission (PCDC): (1) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (2) Single Audit Report on Federal Awards (3) Pasadena Community Development Commission Annual Financial Report (4) Management Letter - City of Pasadena (5) Pasadena Center Operating Company Basic Financial Statements (6) Rose Bowl Operating Company Basic Financial Statements (7) Pasadena Fire and Police Retirement System Report on Audited Financial Statements and Required Supplemental Information (8) Air Quality Improvement Fund Financial and Compliance Report (9) Independent Accountant's Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures Applied to Appropriation Limit Worksheets (10) Independent Accountant's Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures Applied to Employee Deduction for the Internal Revenue Code Section 457 775k COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 1 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 2 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 3 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 4 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 5 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 6 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 7 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 8 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 9 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 10 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 11 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 12 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 13 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT PART 14 SINGLE AUDIT REPORT PCDC BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Part 1 PCDC BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Part 2 PCDC BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Part 3 MANAGEMENT LETTER PCOC BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RBOC BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PASADENA FIRE & POLICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND APPROPRIATION LIMIT WORKSHEET 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM
(2) JOINT ACTION: 2006-2007 INVESTMENT POLICY Recommendation of City Manager/Chief Executive Officer: It is recommended that the City Council and Pasadena Community Development Commission adopt the City Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy and Investment Strategy for Fiscal Year 2007. 3039k
(3) ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO DUNCAN PARKING TECHNOLOGIES, INC., FOR $228,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF MULTI-SPACE PARKING METERS AND AMEND THE 2007 OPERATING BUDGET Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Duncan Parking Technologies, Inc., for the purchase and installation of 32 multi-space parking meters to be placed along Colorado Boulevard, in an amount not to exceed $228,000. Competitive bidding is not required pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(H), contract with other governmental entities or their contractors for labor, materials, supplies or services. (2) Recognize and appropriate $228,000 from the 2006 Equipment Lease Line of Credit Financing for the purchase of 32 paid by space multi-space parking meters to the Non Department Account No. 8503- 213-952139. Recommendation of Old Pasadena Parking Meter Advisory Commission: The Old Pasadena Parking Meter Advisory Commission reviewed the staff recommendation and recommended approval at their October 19, 2006 meeting. 881k
(4) QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 Recommendation of City Manager: This report is for informational purposes only. 678k QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Part 1 2638k QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Part 2 2758k
C. Legislative Policy Committee
D. Municipal Services Committee
(1) AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF NATURAL GAS PURCHASED UNDER THE "NATURAL GAS PROJECT GAS SALES AGREEMENT" NO. 18,842 WITH THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC POWER AUTHORITY TO A MINIMUM OF 2,000 MILLION BRITISH THERMAL UNITS ("MMBtu") PER DAY Recommendation of City Manager: Authorize the City Manager to increase the amount of natural gas purchased under the Natural Gas Project Gas Sales Agreement, Contract No. 18,842 ("Contract") with the Southern California Public Power Authority to a maximum of 2,000 MMBtu per day The contract is exempt from competitive bidding pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(H), contracts with other governmental agencies or their contractors. 1037k
E. Public Safety Committee
F. Reports from Representatives 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 7:30 P.M.
A. PUBLIC HEARING: DESIGNATION OF 969 SOUTH MADISON AVENUE AS A LANDMARK Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Acknowledge that the designation of a historic resource is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 8, Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment (California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15308); (2) As recommended by the Historic Preservation Commission, find that the house at 969 South Madison Avenue is significant under Criterion c for designation as a landmark (Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.62.040 B) because it is architecturally intact and an excellent example of a two-story Arts and Crafts period house; (3) Approve the designation of the property at 969 South Madison Avenue as a landmark; (4) Adopt a resolution approving a Declaration of Landmark Designation for 969 South Madison Avenue, Pasadena, California; (5) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Declaration of Landmark Designation for 969 South Madison Avenue, Pasadena, California; and (6) Direct the City Clerk to record the declaration with the Los Angeles County Recorder. Recommendation of Historic Preservation Commission: On October 16, 2006, at a noticed public hearing, the Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the designation of 969 South Madison Avenue as a landmark.
B. PUBLIC HEARING: DESIGNATION OF 345 MARKHAM PLACE (NARVER RESIDENCE) AS A HISTORIC MONUMENT Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Acknowledge that the designation of a historic resource is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 8, Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment (California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15308); (2) As recommended by the Historic Preservation Commission, find that the property (including the main house, guest house and gardens) at 345 Markham Place is significant under Criterion c for designation as a historic monument (Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.62.040 A) because it is exceptional in the embodiment of the distinctive characteristics of mid-century modern residential architecture and landscape architecture, and is an important representation of the work of the regionally significant architectural firm of Buff & Hensman; (3) Approve the designation of the property at 345 Markham Place as a historic monument; (4) Adopt a resolution approving a Declaration of Historic Monument Designation for 345 Markham Place, Pasadena, California; (5) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Declaration of Historic Monument Designation for 345 Markham Place, Pasadena, California; and (6) Direct the City Clerk to record the declaration with the Los Angeles County Recorder. Recommendation of Historic Preservation Commission: On October 16, 2006, at a noticed public hearing, the Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the designation of 345 Markham Place as a historic monument.
C. PUBLIC HEARING: MAYFIELD SENIOR SCHOOL - 500 BELLEFONTAINE STREET MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ZONE CHANGE & GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR AN ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL (465 ORANGE GROVE CIRCLE) PROPOSED TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SCHOOL CAMPUS Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Approve the Initial Environmental Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (Attachment 5 of the agenda report); (2) Approve the De Minimis Impact Finding on the State Fish and Game (Attachment 6 of the agenda report); (3) Find that the proposed zone change from RS-4HD (Single-Family Residential, 4 units per acre, Hillside Overlay District) to PS (Public, Semi- Public) and amendment to the General Plan land use designation from Low Density Residential, 0-6 units per acre to Institutional, for the parcel located at 465 Orange Grove Circle are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan Land Use Element, and the purposes of Chapter 17.26 (Special Purpose Zoning Districts) of the Zoning Code (See Attachment 9 of the agenda report); (4) Find that the proposed Master Development Plan is consistent with the required procedures and findings pursuant to Section 17.61.050 of the Zoning Code, and approve the proposed new Mayfield Senior School Master Development Plan (MDP) subject to the Conditions of Approval (Attachments 1 and 4 of the agenda report); (5) Adopt a resolution amending the General Plan Land Use Diagram for 465 Orange Grove Circle from Low Density Residential, 0-6 units per acre to Institutional (Attachment 8 of the agenda report); (6) Direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Map from RS-4HD to PS for 465 Orange Grove Circle and a resolution adopting the Mayfield Senior School Master Development Plan within 60 days; and (7) Direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination and a Certificate of Fee Exemption for the California Department of Fish and Game, with the Los Angeles County Recorder (Attachment 7 of the agenda report). Recommendation of Planning Commission: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 25, 2006, and adopted the staff recommendation with 8-0 vote. The Commission recommended amending Condition of Approval No. 25 - to require that City staff review the on-site parking demand prior to each proposed increase of student enrollment to ensure that the school has either created additional on-site parking or instituted a car pool plan that reduces parking demand. Staff concurs with this amendment and it is reflected in the Conditions of Approval (Attachment 4 of the agenda report). 2726k ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 Part 1 ATTACHMENT 3 Part 2 ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 5 Part 1 ATTACHMENT 5 Part 2 ATTACHMENT 5 Part 3 ATTACHMENT 5 Part 4 ATTACHMENT 5 Part 5 ATTACHMENT 6 ATTACHMENT 7 ATTACHMENT 8 ATTACHMENT 9
D. PUBLIC HEARING: FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that the City Council, following a public hearing: (1) Adopt a resolution to certify the Final Environmental Impact Report and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program; (2) Adopt by resolution, the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations; (3) Adopt by resolution, the Specific Findings for the Master Development Plan and approve the proposed Master Development Plan with conditions; (4) Adopt the Findings and approve the Development Agreement; (5) Direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to adopt the Development Agreement; (6) Approve the De Minimis Impact Finding on the State Fish and Wildlife Habitat; (7) Direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination and Certificate of Fee Exemption for the California Department of Fish and Game with the Los Angeles County Recorder. Recommendation of Planning Commission: The Planning Commission considered the Master Development Plan (MDP) on October 25, 2006 and November 1, 2006. The Planning Commission concurred with staff's recommendation to approve the Master Plan by a 4-3 vote. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the Development Agreement by a 5-1-1 vote. Recommendation of Transportation Advisory Commission, Design Commission, and Historic Preservation Commission: On January 13, 2006, the Transportation Advisory Commission (TAC) provided comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR), and unanimously supported the project. On January 23, 2006, the Design Commission and Historic Preservation Commission provided comments on the Draft EIR and the proposed MDP. The Design and Historic Preservation Commissions jointly recommended that the Final EIR describe the preservation of properties in more detail and that the applicant work with Pasadena Heritage to develop project alternatives to preserve more of the existing buildings. As a result, the Final EIR includes a Preservation Alternative. 2295k EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT A Part 1 ATTACHMENT A Part 2 ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT C ATTACHMENT D ATTACHMENT E Part 1 ATTACHMENT E Part 2 ATTACHMENT F ATTACHMENT G ATTACHMENT H ATTACHMENT I ATTACHMENT J1 ATTACHMENT K Part 1 ATTACHMENT K Part 2 ATTACHMENT K Part 3 ATTACHMENT K Part 4 ATTACHMENT K Part 5 ATTACHMENT K Part 6 ATTACHMENT L
A. City Manager
B. City Council
A. Approval of Minutes - October 23, 2006 October 30, 2006 (Cancelled) November 6, 2006
C. JOINT ACTION: 2006-2007 INVESTMENT POLICY (See Item 5.B.2.)
A. First Reading: None
B. Second Reading: None
11. PUBLIC COMMENT (Continued)
12. CLOSED SESSIONS (Continued, if necessary)