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August 24, 1998
Closed Session 5:30
Public Meeting 6:30 P.M.
Public Hearings begin at 8:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
Pasadena City Hall, Room 247
5:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Name of Case: Ann Rider v. City of Pasadena 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING 1. ROLL CALL AND CEREMONIAL MATTERS 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA 3. OLD BUSINESS A. REAPPROPRIATION OF UNSPENT FUNDS Recommendation of Mayor: Authorize reappropriation of $2,537, from Fiscal Year 1998 City Council budget to Account No. 101000 in the Fiscal Year 1999 City Council budget. 56(k) B. PROPOSED CAMPAIGN FINANCE ORDINANCE Recommendation of Legislative Policy Committee: Introduce and read, by title only, an ordinance of the City of Pasadena entitled: "An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Imposing Campaign Contribution Limits and Certain Additional Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for City Election Campaigns" (a) Hold first reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASADENA IMPOSING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITS AND CERTAIN ADDITIONAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY ELECTION CAMPAIGNS" 177(k) 4. CONSENT CALENDAR (The Consent Calendar consists of routine items which will be approved by one motion and one vote unless removed for separate discussion) A. City Manager (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONTRACT WITH THE PASADENA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE PROVISION OF SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SERVICES Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (a) Authorize the Acting City Manager to enter into a contract with the Pasadena Unified School District for crossing guard services in an amount not to exceed $112,694; and (b) Authorize the Director of Finance to transfer $112,694 from Police Department Budget Account No. 8114-101-402200, to the non-departmental Budget Account No. 952100 - Citywide Obligations. 70(k) (2) AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT WITH EMBREE BUS INC. FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR RECREATIONAL/EDUCATIONAL EXCURSIONS Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (a) Find that there is a good cause to extend the time of performance of services until June 30, 1999; and (b) Authorize the Acting City Manager to execute an amendment to Contract No. 16,452. 112(k) B. City Clerk (1) Approval of Minutes - July 20, 1998 July 27, 1998 (Canceled) (2) Receive and file claims against the City of Pasadena Claim No. 8090 Sevag Garabedian$ Unknown Claim No. 8091 Patricia A. Taylor Unknown Claim No. 8092 Gloria Dorsey Unknown Claim No. 8093 Karla J. Acosta 1,000.00 (3) Public hearing set: October 5, 1998, 8:00 p.m. - 1997-98 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), Needs Assessments, Program Priorities/Allocation Process for the 1999-2000 Program Year CDBG, ESG, and HSEF Programs 5. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES A. Business Enterprise Committee B. Deregulation Committee (1) OPPOSITION TO PROPOSITION 9 - THE 1998 ELECTRIC UTILITIES VOTER INITIATIVE BALLOT MEASURE Recommendation of Acting City Manager: Adopt a resolution in opposition to Proposition 9, the 1998 Electric Utilities Voter Initiative ballot measure. 96(k) C. Finance Committee (1) INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 1998 Recommendation of Acting City Manager: This item is for information purposes only. 163(k) (2) APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE AWARD OF ITS ELECTRIC REVENUE/REFUNDING BONDS, 1998 SERIES Recommendation of Acting City Manager: Approve a resolution confirming the award of its Electric Revenue/Refunding Bonds, 1998 Series. 60(k) D. Legislative Policy Committee E. Public Safety Committee F. Reports from Representatives 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8:00 P.M. A. PUBLIC HEARING: WATER QUALITY PUBLIC HEALTH GOALS Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (a) Adopt the City of Pasadena's Report on Public Health Goals; and (b) Declare the 1998 Report on Public Health Goals to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and the "Environmental Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Pasadena", pursuant to Section 15308 of the State CEQA Guidelines (actions by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment). 90(k) B. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF A HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ELEMENT FOR THE CITY OF PASADENA Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (a) Adopt the Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE), and authorize the Acting City Manager to implement the program; and (b) Adopt the determination of Environmental Exemption (Categorical Exemption, Class 8) from CEQA for the HHWE, as detailed in the attachments to the agenda report. 104(k) 7. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS A. City Council (1) DESIGNATION OF VICE MAYOR JOYCE STREATOR AS VOTING DELEGATE AND COUNCILMEMBER SID TYLER AS ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 2-4, 1998, IN LONG BEACH 57(k) (2) DESIGNATION OF COUNCILMEMBER SID TYLER AS MEMBER AND ACTING CITY MANAGER CYNTHIA J. KURTZ AS ALTERNATE ON THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COMMERCE & CITIES CONSORTIUM (3) AMENDMENT TO THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SGVCOG) JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) CREATING THE ALAMEDA CORRIDOR-EAST (ACE) CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY Recommendation of Mayor: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement adopting the First Amendment to the Joint Powers Authority Agreement. The Amendment will create the San Gabriel Gateway to America Construction Authority. 68(k) B. City Manager (1) AMENDMENT TO THE NEW DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND AND FEES ORDINANCE Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (1) Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance amending Chapter 4.19 of the Pasadena Municipal Code, entitled "New Development Impact Fund and Fees", to provide an exemption for the demolition of existing buildings, and to define an exemption and a reduction in the fee for the rehabilitation of historically significant and non-significant buildings; and (2) Acknowledge that the proposed ordinance amendment is statutorily exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines (modify rates for obtaining funds for capital projects needed to maintain service within existing service areas), and authorize the Acting City Manager to execute and the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption therefor with the Los Angeles County Clerk. 171(k) (2) ADDENDUM TO PASADENA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND SALARY RESOLUTION AMENDMENT Recommendation of Acting City Manager: It is recommended that the City Council adopt an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Pasadena Management Association to implement the following effective August 17, 1998: (a) Establish a new Top Management classification entitled Deputy Director of Planning and Permitting at a control rate of $90,000 per year. Approve a journal voucher transferring $15,400 from the Building Services Fund balance to Planning and Permitting Administration, (Budget Account No. 441000) and amend the FY 99 Operating Budget to reclassify 1.0 FTE Deputy Building Official to Deputy Director of Planning and Permitting; (b) Establish a new Middle Management classification of Utility Services Administrator at a control rate of $68,500 per year. Approve a journal voucher transferring $4,335 from the Water & Power Fund balances to the Customer Sales and Services Business Unit, and amend the FY 99 Operating Budget to reclassify 1.0 Utility Customer Services and Information Coordinator to Utility Services Administrator. It is further recommended that the City Council adopt an amendment to the Salary Resolution to implement the following: (c) Increase the control rate for the Executive classification Assistant to the City Manager to $87,763 per year. Approve a journal voucher transferring $102,553 from the Computing and Communications Fund balance to the City Manager's Budget Account No. 1410000, and amend the FY 99 Operating Budget to eliminate the Computing and Communications Administrator. 136(k) (3) EXTENSION OF CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS' NON-EXCLUSIVE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE Recommendation of Acting City Manager: Adopt a resolution extending the current non-exclusive cable television franchise with Charter Communications through June 30, 2000, under the existing terms and conditions. 95(k) (4) APPROVAL OF THE FAIR HOUSING PLAN AND AMENDMENT TO THE SUB-RECIPIENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY FOR FAIR HOUSING SERVICES Recommendation of Acting City Manager: (1) Approve the proposed Fair Housing Plan (Exhibit A of agenda report) which is aimed at eliminating the impediments that restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choices for persons based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origin, and includes the following actions: (a) Expanding Fair Housing services to encompass education, outreach, counseling, and enforcement in the areas of fair lending insurance, subsidized rental programs, home sales, and land use policies; (b) Engaging in a promotional campaign to inform housing providers and consumers about laws against housing discrimination based on familial status; (c) Requesting changes to the Multiple Listing Services in order to eliminate area designations and to substitute with a listing of available homes by price range; (d) Providing more education, training and outreach regarding Fair Housing Laws and issues of cultural sensitivity for local realtors, rental property owners, managers, and agents; (e) Initiating greater dialogues with representatives of the lending institutions serving the City, to determine what can be done to improve lenders' performance in awarding credit to African-American and Hispanic applicants; and (f) Continued implementation of the Affordable Housing Plan and Affordable Housing Initiatives approved by the Pasadena Community Development Commission on December 19, 1994, and October 6, 1997, respectively; and (2) Approve an amendment to the Sub-recipient Agreement with the Fair Housing Council for an extension of the provision of fair housing services for one year, ending June 30, 1999, for an amount not to exceed $50,000. 393(k) C. Advisory Bodies (1) AMEND OPERATING AGREEMENT NO 15,703 BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE ROSE BOWL OPERATING COMPANY (RBOC) TO PROVIDE THE RBOC WITH THE AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH AND GOVERN THE ROSE BOWL FOUNDATION Recommendation of the Rose Bowl Operating Company: Amend the Operating Agreement between the City and the RBOC to enable the RBOC to have the authority to establish and govern the Rose Bowl Foundation. In addition, it is recommended to approve the designation of $97,000, being generated from the sale of the former seating which is being removed in conjunction with the installation of the new thin profile seats, for the Rose Bowl Foundation. 90(k) 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING A. OLD BUSINESS (1) PROPOSED ADAPTIVE REUSE OF 839-853 E. WASHINGTON BLVD. AS MIXED-USE AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING; LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE OPTION WITH NORM FURMAN; EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT WITH A COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS Recommendation of Acting Chief Executive Officer: Approve the following actions with respect to the proposed adaptive reuse of property at 839-853 E. Washington Blvd., as a mixed-use senior housing project: (1) Letter of support to the Department of Housing and Urban Development on behalf of the application submitted by A Community of Friends for funding under the HUD Section 202 Elderly Housing Program; (2) The terms and conditions of an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement between the Commission and A Community of Friends; (3) The terms and conditions of a License Agreement with Purchase Option between the Commission and Norm Furman; and (4) Authorize the Acting Chief Executive Officer to execute, and the Secretary to attest, all necessary documents in a form acceptable to the Commission General Counsel. 397(k) B. NEW BUSINESS (1) Approval of Minutes - July 20, 1998 July 27, 1998 (Canceled) (2) PROPOSED RITE AID DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Recommendation of Acting Chief Executive Officer: (1) Direct staff to proceed to negotiate the terms of a ground lease with AVH Associates to occupy City-owned land located at 120-160 Altadena Drive for an automobile repair facility, consistent with the terms outlined in the agenda report; (2) Direct staff to continue to negotiate the terms and conditions of an Owner Participation Agreement ("OPA") with Lake Development Company for the proposed construction of a Rite Aid Drug Store at the southeast corner of Fair Oaks Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard; and (3) Authorize staff to specify in the OPA that relocation assistance to be provided shall be in an amount not to exceed $547,000 for the proposed Rite Aid Project. Relocation assistance shall consist of $400,000 in cash and to forgive a Promissory Note that the Commission currently holds on a portion of the proposed development site. 342(k) 9. ORDINANCES A. First Reading: (1) Hold first reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASADENA IMPOSING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITS AND CERTAIN ADDITIONAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY ELECTION CAMPAIGNS" [See Item 3.B.] 723(k) (2) Hold first reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING SECTIONS 10.48.010 AND 10.48.030 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SPEED LIMITS IN THE CITY OF PASADENA" 113(k) B. Second Reading: (1) Adopt "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING SECTIONS 4.08.130 AND 4.08.131 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 4.11 TO SAID CODE, ADOPTING THE PASADENA LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE" (Introduced by Mayor Holden) 342(k) 10. INFORMATION ITEMS - None 11. COMMUNICATIONS - None 12. CLOSED SESSION A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Name of Case: Ann Rider v. City of Pasadena 13. ADJOURNMENT