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January 26, 1998
Closed Sessions 5:30 P.M.
Public Meeting 6:30 P.M.
Public Hearing begin at 8:00 P.M.
Council Chamber
Pasadena City Hall, Room 247
5:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSIONS: A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Name of Case: City of Pasadena v. Mirador Ranch, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. NEC 64076ACTION: DISCUSSED, NO ACTION REPORTED B. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - THREATENED LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1): One potential case.ACTION: DISCUSSED, NO ACTION REPORTED 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING 1. ROLL CALL AND CEREMONIAL MATTERS 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA A. MR. DANIEL MIRISOLA, REPRESENTING SAVE OUR SWIMMERS, REGARDING STATUS OF ROSE BOWL AQUATIC CENTER AND TERMINATION OF SWIMMING COACH 35(k) 3. OLD BUSINESS: No Items 4. CONSENT CALENDAR (The Consent Calendar consists of routine items which will be approved by one motion and one vote unless removed for separate discussion) A. City Manager (1) APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO FY 1998 MASTER GRANT AGREEMENT (Contract NO. 97-10779-A1), BETWEEN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES, OFFICE OF AIDS, AND THE CITY OF PASADENA IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,844 WITH A MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE OF $279,647 Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the FY 1998 Agreement between the State Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS, and the City of Pasadena for the period July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998, in the amount of $22,844, with a maximum amount payable of $279,947; and (b) Approve a journal voucher increasing the estimated revenues in Account No. 6458 by $22,844, from $177,477 to $200,321, and increasing the revenues and appropriations in the AIDS Program Budget Account No. 563200 by $22,844 from $1,414,127 to $1,436,971. 133(k)ACTION: APPROVED (2) REJECTION OF ALL BIDS- SPECIFICATIONS LD-97-8, FURNISHING AND DELIVERING FIVE SF6 CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR THE WATER AND POWER DEPARTMENT Recommendation of City Manager: Reject all bids for Specifications LD-97-8, Furnishing and Delivering Five SF6 Circuit Breakers for the Water and Power Department. 70(k)ACTION: APPROVED (3) AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH PERRY THOMAS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SYSTEM BETWEEN T.M. GOODRICH RECEIVING STATION AND SANTA ANITA SUBSTATION Recommendation of City Manager: (a) Accept the bid dated December 16, 1997, submitted by Perry Thomas Construction, Inc. in response to Specifications LD-97-11 for the above subject; (b) Reject all other bids; and (c) Authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract for an amount not to exceed $733,415 as is required. 87(k)ACTION: APPROVED (4) TRANSFER OF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO PASADENA CITY COLLEGE AND AMENDMENT TO SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AND GOODS ORDINANCE, PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4.04 Recommendation of City Manager: Authorize the transfer of six surplus bicycles to Pasadena City College. It is further recommended that the City Council find that based upon the information contained in the agenda report and such additional information as may be presented to the City Council at its January 26th meeting, a public purpose is served by exempting the proposed transfer from the provisions of the Surplus Equipment and Goods Ordinance, Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 4.04, pursuant to Section 4.04.080. In addition, it is recommended that the City Council direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance amending the Salvage Equipment and Goods Ordinance, to authorize the Director of Finance with the approval of the City Manager, to transfer surplus equipment and goods to the Pasadena Unified School District without City Council authorization. 92(k)ACTION: APPROVED (5) INSTALLATION OF SPEED HUMPS ON GARFIELD AVENUE AND WORCESTER AVENUE Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that the City Council approve the installation of speed humps on the following streets: (a) Garfield Avenue between Orange Grove Boulevard and Hammond Street; and (b) Worcester Avenue between Orange Grove Boulevard and Mountain Street. 106(k)ACTION: APPROVED (6) SALE OF SURPLUS FUEL GAS COMPRESSORS TO INTERNATIONAL OIL EQUIPMENT LTD. Recommendation of City Manager: Authorize the sale of surplus gas compressors, currently located at the Glenarm Power Plant, to International Oil Equipment LTD., for the amount of $60,000. It is further recommended that the City Council find that based upon the information contained in the agenda report and such additional information as may be presented to the City Council at its January 26th meeting, a public purpose is served by exempting this sale from the provisions of the Surplus Equipment and Goods Ordinance, Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 4.04, pursuant to Section 4.04.080. 112(k)ACTION: APPROVED B. City Clerk (1) Approval of Minutes - December 15, 1997 December 19, 1997 (Special) December 20, 1997 (Special) December 22, 1997 (Canceled) December 29, 1997 (Canceled) January 5, 1998 (Canceled)ACTION: APPROVED AS SUBMITTED (2) Receive and file claims against the City of Pasadena Claim No. 7945 Venita Metoyer$ 1,261.24 Claim No. 7946 Joseph Perez 16,505.95 Claim No. 7947 VOID Claim No. 7948 Number 7, Inc. 4,366.88 Claim No. 7949 Lucia M. Edwards 730.00 Claim No. 7950 Auaja Denise Lovest 159.75 Claim No. 7951 Charles Thompson, Jr. 851.41 Claim No. 7952 Jose De Santiago 567.00ACTION: RECEIVED AND FILED (3) Public Hearing Set: February 23, 1998, 8:00 p.m. - Master Plan Development, Zone Change and General Plan Amendment - Westridge SchoolACTION: PUBLIC HEARING SET 5. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES A. Business Enterprise Committee B. Deregulation Committee (1) CONTRACT WITH JIM COX ADVERTISING FOR DEREGULATION COMMUNICATIONS Recommendation of City Manager: Approve a $350,000 contract with Jim Cox Advertising for deregulation communications through June 30,1998. 91(k)ACTION: APPROVED AS AMENDED, CONTRACT AMOUNT REDUCED TO $150,000 (2) ADOPT RESOLUTION OPPOSING FEDERAL LEGISLATION REGARDING ELECTRIC INDUSTRY DEREGULATION [S. 1483 (MURKOWSKI) AND HR. 655 (SCHAEFFER)] Recommendation of City Manager: Adopt a resolution in opposition to federal legislation S. 1483 (Murkowski) and HR. 655 (Schaeffer) regarding electric industry deregulation. 77(k)ACTION: APPROVED (3) AMENDMENT TO THE LIGHT AND POWER RATE ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 13.04 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE COLLECTION OF THE STRANDED INVESTMENT SURCHARGE BY CUSTOMER CONTRACT Recommendation of City Manager: Adopt an ordinance as a further step in preparing the City's electric utility for success in the forthcoming competitive environment. The ordinance will authorize the General Manager of the Water and Power Department to enter into contracts with retail electric customers for payment of the stranded investment surcharge ("SIS") at a different time than ordinarily due and payable provided that such contract payments are calculated to make the Light and Power Fund financially indifferent to their timing. 89(k)ACTION: APPROVED (a) First reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA, AMENDING THE LIGHT AND POWER RATE ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 13.04 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO AUTHORIZE COLLECTION OF THE STRANDED INVESTMENT SURCHARGE BY CUSTOMER CONTRACT." 88(k)ACTION: OFFERED FOR FIRST READING BY COUNCILMEMBER TYLER C. Finance Committee (1) AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF PASADENA DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Recommendation of City Manager: Adopt the proposed amendments to the existing City of Pasadena Deferred Compensation Plan. 75(k)ACTION: APPROVED (2) JOINT ACTION: RENEWAL OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT ON LOS ROBLES AVENUE (PLAZA LAS FUENTES) PARKING FACILITY CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Recommendation of City Manager: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution: (a) Approving the substitution of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, New York Agency ("CIBC"), for Sanwa Bank of California as letter of credit provider for the Certificates; (b) Approving the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement and authorizing designated officers of the City to execute the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement with CIBC; (c) Designating specified officers of the City to act as "Authorized Officers" for purposes of the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement; and (d) Authorizing designated officers of the City to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary or advisable in connection with the Letter of Credit substitution. Recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer: It is recommended that the Pasadena Community Development Commission adopt a resolution: (a) Approving the First Amendment to Trust Agreement to provide for the Trustee to pursue remedies against CalSTRS (as assignee of « of the obligations of CIBC under the letter of credit issued by CIBC); and authorizing designated officers of the Commission to execute the First Amendment to Trust Agreement; and (b) Authorizing designated officers of the Commission to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary or advisable in connection with the Letter of Credit substitution. Recommendation of the Chief Administrative Officer: It is recommended that the City of Pasadena Parking Authority adopt a resolution: (a) Approving the substitution of CIBC for Sanwa Bank California as letter of credit provider for the Certificates; (b) Approving the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement and authorizing designated officers of the Authority to execute the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement with CBIC; (c) Designating specified officers of the Authority to act as "Authorized Officers" for purposes of the Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement; (d) Approving the First Amendment to Trust Agreement and authorizing designated officers of the Authority to execute the First Amendment to Trust Agreement to provide for the Trustee to pursue remedies against CalSTRS (as assignee of « of the obligations of CIBC under the Letter of Credit issued by CIBC); and (e) Authorizing designated officers of the Authority to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary or advisable in connection with the Letter of Credit substitution. 144(k)ACTION: APPROVED D. Legislative Committee E. Public Safety Committee F. Reports from Representatives 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8:00 P.M. A. PUBLIC HEARING: ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR ON-PREMISES SIGNS AND AMENDMENT TO ALLOW STAFF-LEVEL REVIEWS OF APPLICATIONS TO DEMOLISH ARCHITECTURALLY INSIGNIFICANT BUILDINGS OVER 50 YEARS OLD WITHIN THE NORTH LAKE SPECIFIC PLAN OVERLAY DISTRICT Recommendation of City Manager: (1) Acknowledge that the activity is exempt from CEQA under the general rule, CEQA Guidelines Section 16051 (b)(3). Direct City Clerk to file Notice of Exemption with Los Angeles County (Attachment 1 of agenda report); (2) Hold first reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ON-PREMISES SIGNS FOR THE NORTH LAKE SPECIFIC PLAN OVERLAY DISTRICT" (Attachment 2 of agenda report); and (3) Refer the ordinance of the City of Pasadena Municipal Code authorizing staff-level reviews of applications to demolish architecturally insiginificant buildings over 50 years old within the North Lake Specific Plan Overlay District to the Planning Commission. 196(k)ACTION: APPROVED. ORDINANCE OFFERED FOR FIRST READING BY VICE MAYOR CROWFOOT B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: AWARD OF NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES FOR POLICE TOWING SERVICES AND AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCES AWARDING SUCH FRANCHISES Recommendation of City Manager: Conduct public hearings as required by Section 1104 of the Pasadena City Charter to solicit the comments of interested persons regarding the award of police towing franchises. It is further recommended that after the public hearings, the City Council instruct the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinances to award franchises to the proposed franchisees. 136(k)ACTION: APPROVED 7. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS A. City Council (1) REMOVAL OF MR. JEFF COMMONS FROM UTILITY ADVISORY COMMISSION, DISTRICT 6 SEAT (Councilmember Villicana) 14(k)ACTION: HELD TO FEBRUARY 9 COUNCIL MEETING (2) APPOINTMENT OF TOM SELINSKE TO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION (District 2 Appointment)ACTION: APPROVED (3) APPOINTMENT OF ROY BEGLEY TO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION (District 6 Appointment)ACTION: APPROVED (4) UPDATE REPORT ON CHILDREN'S HEALTH ACCESS TASK FORCE (Oral Report) (Vice Mayor Crowfoot)ACTION: INFORMATION RECEIVED (5) DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF PROCESS FOR HANDLING CITY MANAGER'S ALLEGATIONS (Mayor Holden) 27(k)ACTION: HELD TO FEBRUARY 9 COUNCIL MEETING B. City Manager (1) CIVIC CENTER/MID-TOWN PROGRAMMING EFFORT TASK FORCE PROGRESS REPORT Recommendation of City Manager: Review and comment upon the Mayor and City Council's City Center Task Force Progress Report on the Civic Center/Mid-Town Programming Effort. 142(k)ACTION: INFORMATION RECEIVED. TIME EXTENSION GRANTED THROUGH MARCH 1998 (2) PUBLIC NUISANCE DOGS Recommendation of City Manager: Hold first reading of the amendment of the City's Public Nuisance Dog Ordinance and approve in concept the administrative rules and regulations related thereto. 151(k)ACTION: APPROVED (a) First reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING SUBSECTION 6.18.020(A) AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 6.18.015 AND 6.18.070 TO THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PUBLIC NUISANCE DOGS" 52(k)ACTION: OFFERED FOR FIRST READING BY COUNCILMEMBER LITTLE C. Advisory Bodies (1) FY 1996-97 ANNUAL REPORTS AND FY 1997-98 WORKPLANS Recommendation: Receive the FY 1996-97 Annual Reports and approve the FY 1997-98 Workplans from the following City Commissions: (a) ACCESSIBILITY AND DISABILITY COMMISSION (b) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMISSION (c) ARTS COMMISSION (d) CODE ENFORCEMENT APPEALS COMMISSION (e) COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (f) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (g) CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION (h) DESIGN COMMISSION (I) HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION (j) HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION (k) LIBRARY COMMISSION (l) NORTHWEST COMMISSION (m) OLD PASADENA PARKING METER ZONE ADVISORY COMMISSION (n) PASADENA CENTER OPERATING COMPANY (o) PASADENA COMMUNITY ACCESS CORPORATION BOARD (p) PLANNING COMMISSION (q) RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION (r) ROSE BOWL OPERATING COMPANY (s) SENIOR COMMISSION (t) SOUTH LAKE PARKING PLACE COMMISSION (u) TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMISSION (v) UTILITY ADVISORY COMMISSION (report not submitted as of 1/22/98)ACTION: REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING A. Approval of Minutes - December 15, 1997 December 22, 1997 (Canceled) December 29, 1997 (Canceled) January 5, 1998 (Canceled)ACTION: APPROVED AS SUBMITTED B. JOINT ACTION: RENEWAL OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT ON LOS ROBLES AVENUE (PLAZA LAS FUENTES) PARKING FACILITY CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (See Item 5.C.2) 9. PARKING AUTHORITY A. JOINT ACTION: RENEWAL OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT ON LOS ROBLES AVENUE (PLAZA LAS FUENTES) PARKING FACILITY CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (See Item 5.C.2) 10. ORDINANCES A. First Reading: (1) First reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING THE LIGHT AND POWER RATE ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 13.04 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO AUTHORIZE COLLECTION OF THE STRANDED INVESTMENT SURCHARGE BY CUSTOMER CONTRACT" [See Item 5.B.(3)(a)] (2) First reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ON-PREMISES SIGNS FOR THE NORTH LAKE SPECIFIC PLAN OVERLAY DISTRICT" (See Item 6.A.) (3) First reading of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA AMENDING SUBSECTION 6.18.020(A) AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 6.18.015 AND 6.18.070 TO THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PUBLIC NUISANCE DOGS" (See Item 7.B.2) B. Second Reading: (1) Adopt "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA RELATING TO CURFEWS FOR MINORS AND AMENDING THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODE" (Introduced by Councilmember Little) 210(k)ACTION: ORDINANCE ADOPTED 11. INFORMATION ITEMS: No Items 12. COMMUNICATIONS: No Items 13. CLOSED SESSIONS: A. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Name of Case: City of Pasadena v. Mirador Ranch, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. NEC 64076 B. CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - THREATENED LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1): One potential case 14. ADJOURNMENT