NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING

                                        OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY

                                                    JULY 23, 2001


     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Parking Authority of the City of 
Pasadena is called for Monday, July 23, 2001, at 6:30 p.m., Room 247, City Council Chambers, 
City Hall, Pasadena, to conduct the following business:

     A.      Approval of Minutes - January 26, 1998 (Special Meeting)

     B.      Resolution of the Parking Authority of the City of Pasadena Approving a
              Substitute Letter of Credit Provider, Approving and Authorizing the Execution
              and Delivery of a Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement Entered Into in 
              Connection with the City’s 1987 Certificates of Participation (Adjustable 
              Convertible Extendable Securities -- ACESSM) (Los Robles Avenue Parking 
              Facility) and Authorizing Certain Other Actions Relating Thereto



                                                                   Bill Bogaard, Chair

                                                                   Parking Authority


Note to Public: An opportunity for public comment will be provided at the time each of the above
                       items are discussed. Public comment for this special meeting is limited to the items 
                       on this special meeting notice. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker.


     I HEREBY CERTIFY that this notice, in its entirety, was posted on the Council Chamber Bulletin 
Board, Room 247, and at the Information Kiosk (in the rotunda area) at City Hall, on Thursday 
July 19, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., and that copies hereof were faxed or delivered to each member of the 
City Council and faxed to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station 
requesting notice in writing, all of which media recipients are identified on the distribution list set
forth herein below.



                                                                 Jane Rodriguez
                                                                 City Clerk



City Council

City Manager

City Attorney

Public Information Officer

Main Library

Los Angeles Times

Star News

The Pasadena Weekly

Pasadena Journal

La Opinion